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Exchanging Cards Shirt Playing Poker Cheating Tools

  • Poker Exchanger Poker Exchanger
  • Poker ExchangerPoker Exchanger-1
    • Poker Exchanger
    • Poker Exchanger
Origin: China
Occasion: magic show, poker games, Casino, private games
Delivery Time: 2-3 working days
Shipping Ways: FedEx, TNT, DHL, EMS, ePacket
Size: Customized
Manufacturer: GS Company
Product ID: IIMC00120

Put on the shirt and you can do it perfectly after practicing for a few times. The shirts we will offer you are dedicated in cutting, fashionable in design and comfortable on your body. We have a secret there inside the shirt. You are able to exchange a playing card without being detected. It is so surprising that you can not wait to tell your friends.

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Code: Refresh
Name: Mark Rayner Time: 2024-07-30 04:10:43
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Name: Mike Time: 2023-11-18 11:03:20
Message: I’m interested in buying a card analyzer and a few decks of cards
Reply: Hello friend, please check the email about our products, looking forward to your reply. Thank you!

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